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1st LBMA Japan Location Information Awards 2023

LBMA Japan, a general incorporated association, held the LBMA Japan Location Information Awards with the aim of honoring and recognizing noteworthy initiatives that have utilized location information data, such as those implemented by member companies that have popularized location information business marketing services and services to the world, and those that have had a social impact, in order to contribute to market growth and revitalization. From the applications submitted, including those nominated by member companies and those nominated by others, the LBMA Japan Board of Directors selected five outstanding cases, and members voted. We are pleased to announce that two cases received the most votes (tied number) and were selected as the "Grand Prize Winners."

Grand Prize

[ Case Summary]

By simultaneously measuring, analyzing and visualizing the location information of office workers within a building and biometric information such as their concentration level, it is possible to evaluate workplace productivity in a quantitative manner never before possible. Combined with an app that provides feedback to individual workers, this system contributes to improving the productivity of both individuals and organizations, and the service is now being provided to clients.

[Winner's comment]

We are very grateful to receive the honorable award of the 1st Location Information Award. As a general construction company, we have been involved in construction in various fields from human scale to city scale. Recently, with the increasing awareness of work style reform and productivity improvement, the value of space in offices has been attracting attention. GISTA integrates and visualizes the biometric information and location information of office workers in real time, linking the concentration level, relaxation level, etc. to the space, making it possible to evaluate the office space. In the future, we would like to use this service to propose architectural solutions to solve the challenges of human capital management together with our customers. If you have any requests or inquiries about our services, or if you have an opportunity to co-create as a partner, please feel free to contact us.

Grand Prize: KDDI Location Analyzer (for foreign visitors to Japan) Powered by NAVITIME

Navitime Japan Co., Ltd., Giken Shoji International Co., Ltd., KDDI Corporation

[ Case Summary]

"KDDI Location Analyzer" is a domestic people flow analysis tool equipped with GPS location information (information collected through processing that does not identify individuals and is targeted at au smartphone users who have given their individual consent). It was launched in June 2019 as a service jointly developed and jointly provided by KDDI Corporation and Giken Shoji International Co., Ltd., and will now be available from October 2023 as "KDDI Location Analyzer (foreign visitors to Japan version) Powered by NAVITIME" equipped with data on foreign visitors to Japan from NAVITIME JAPAN Co., Ltd. It is the first cloud service in Japan that allows you to analyze domestic and inbound people flows anywhere in the country as many times as you want on a single platform.
It is possible to visualize the flow and distribution of foreign visitors to Japan by nationality, day of the week, time of day, number of visits, and length of stay for any specified area or facility.

[Winner's comment]

■KDDI CorporationThank you for selecting us for this glorious award. We hope that this collaboration between our three companies will help many companies and local governments use people flow data to solve their own and local issues, and ultimately contribute to the revival of tourism demand and the revitalization of local economies. We will continue to work hard to create even better services. We look forward to your continued support.

■Navitime Japan Co., Ltd. We are truly honored to receive this prestigious award. By having our inbound GPS data loaded into KLA, it has become easier to use for analysis. We hope that this data will be useful in understanding people flow and implementing appropriate measures. We will continue to work harder than ever with your continued support, so we appreciate your continued support.

■Grand Prize from Giken Shoji International Co., Ltd. Excellence Award. We are very honored. We are proud that we have been able to meet the inbound marketing needs that have been increasing since the beginning of 2023. We also feel that it is significant that we have been able to give form to the concept of "co-creation" between companies that LBMA Japan advocates. We hope that you will continue to pay attention to and look forward to the future evolution of this service. Thank you very much.

Excellence Award

[ Case Summary]

Digital tourism statistics and open data advance social implementation of device location data

Blog Watcher Inc.

After a review committee that welcomed the Japan Tourism Agency as an observer, the definitions of tourist destinations and tourists in survey methods using people flow data were standardized, and the Japan Tourism Association began providing the open data.
With the cooperation of over 70% of prefectures, we were able to provide weekly tourist visitor numbers for 1,741 cities, towns, and villages nationwide (as of November 2023) based on comprehensive and up-to-date information on 100,000 tourist locations across the country, and we promoted the establishment of device location data as a social infrastructure with specifications that are scalable to accommodate visits to Japan and services for travelers.

[ Case Summary]

Panasonic's town production cloud YOI-en (lighting production/lighting business) and Nightray CITY INSIGHT (people flow data analysis) will start a collaboration from April 2023. By linking two completely different solutions from a large company and a venture company with a focus on location information, it is creating new value as a cutting-edge initiative that can contribute to creating a lively town, revitalizing the local economy, and enhancing urban development.

[ Case Summary]

In the "Tokyo Metropolitan Government Smart Service Implementation Promotion Project," the Tokyo Metropolitan Government aims to rapidly implement smart services (*1) throughout the entire city. In this project, unerry is promoting the implementation of smart services throughout the city by collaborating with various smart service providers, based on "quantification of area issues and needs" using people flow data (location big data) and "behavior change and value creation through media." Through these efforts, we are making great strides in using location data to solve social issues.
Example 1: By using location data to identify transportation needs that cannot be covered by public transportation and positioning shared mobility ports in areas with higher demand, we can lead to the social implementation of secondary transportation networks, which tend to be in the red.
Example 2: In cooperation with a signage company equipped with beacons, signage throughout the city can be used as local media to promote movement around the city and create a lively atmosphere, while also measuring movement patterns and making improvements.
*1: A service that utilizes the power of digital technology to improve the quality of life of Tokyo residents.

The use of location information data is expected to grow due to the diversification of business models and the evolution of AI generation and location.

It is developing day by day.

The entire industry will continue to work hard to realize even more cases in 2024.

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